19 Huangqishan Rd, Luokan, Huangpu Qu, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
Squatting pan can be installed inside the shower room? -
by:Appollo bath
Squatting pan won't produce the possibility of cross infection and clean up more convenient, so popular among young decoration group, basically is decorated in the young group of the toilet in the home have installation crouchs implement, and installation of the shower room of a lot of toilet decorate a process, it is also because prices are too high, who have no matter to a separate toilet a shower room.
But many small toilet installation shower room, in decorating a process squat toilets will have no place to put, this time a lot of people will ask, squatting pan can be installed in the shower room?
When squatting pan installed inside the shower room, girls hair fell more serious when bathing, that is about to wash away from the floor drain, have the squatting pan, also want to fall into the squat toilets may cause crouchs implement congestion, and always put inside will feel very strange, when you pick up the soap, may fall off, something that is worse.
When you take a shower water up a little, will splash, squatting pan didn't think so when your house is clean, for virgo, is just too hard to bear, a big white washed the shower, and even worse, when summer high temperature bacteria spawns more, bath in the morning and evening, it is better to sent to Africa.
So for their own security and family security is considered in outside.
Shower room is stem what of?
Just to wet partition, otherwise there is no need to spend money to get a shower room make a quarantine.
Squat toilets in the shower room, do wet partition, the trash can put toilet paper?
Put out the toilet is not convenient, put inside take a shower not convenient, 'you cannot sell the cow and drink the milk' so or don't do this on wronged himself.
When the area is enough, certainly must consider the squat toilets installed outside, more people to use, you will know after show, if really is can't, then try to install away from shower place, then it might be possible in a squatting pan and add a cover plate, covered with convenient you take a shower, improve the bathing experience.
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