
Environmental protection under the big trend sanitary ware enterprises are faced with the challenge of what future?

by:Appollo bath     2020-11-03
Material is the basis of production and manufacturing, as well as brings to the users of the original, intuitive feelings elements, raw materials research and development innovation of wei yu such traditional industry impact and influence is very big. Now sanitary ware industry, the main use of materials such as ceramic, metal, glass, in the manufacturing process and production of thinking can do some research and development in the direction of the environmental protection, can also with today popular intelligent sanitary system, for the enterprise or the brand of environmental protection intelligent IP for preparation.

a, innovation, manufacturing process, joint environmental protection industry

environmental protection equipment industry in China started in the 1960 s, at present in the atmosphere pollution control equipment, water pollution control equipment and solid waste treatment equipment three areas have formed a certain scale and system. Is green taxes for the wind environmental protection equipment industry, environmental protection equipment industry, the sanitary ware industry in advance and prepared, the enterprise to the environmental protection enterprise, will win.

2, workers to foster innovation, build their own team

more excellent talented person and the team is a lot of enterprises to pursue, and workers shall belong to the enterprise personnel system and mid-range part, and in the pursuit of profit margins under the premise of the enterprise in time, energy and money, strengthen the technical training of workers and industries, to form their own team, can rapid, accurate, complete the upper instructions over a long period of time. 'Single core workers' into 'multi-core'.

for example, workers on the production chain can supply professional assembly services at the same time, thus enhancing the competitiveness of the team, and at the same time it brings the human cost of neutralizing the green taxes.

3, strengthening the cooperation of the chain, industry bulk

suppliers and distributors, dealers and markets, the industrial chain upstream and downstream enterprises should strengthen cooperation, form a stronger more effective interactive mode, to achieve barrier-free cooperation at a high speed. This can to a certain extent, reduce the wastage of the manpower and material resources, financial resources, against some of the impact of green taxes levied. So 'native' risk-averse, 'warm' to win benefits.

4, self-directed change, model transformation and upgrading of the

bathroom industry since the electricity giant, hit the transformation has been going on. Some enterprises grow in groping, and some enterprises in shock rout. For business model, whether it is two years before the hot O2O, or the popular new sales wei yu, is the reform force in theory and practice to make a new attempt.

and from sales model, from electricity marketing to the whole sanitary ware, and now the whole house of customization, sanitary ware industry expansion, diversification of marketing strategy at the same time, also will extended industry chain spread widely in the step by step.

whenever possible, the transformation of the social business model is a science and technology and the transformation of the era and the accessories. And under the rapid development of computer technology, the fourth industrial revolution in artificial intelligence, clean energy, no one to control technology, quantum information technology, virtual reality, and the principle of biological technology new technology revolution.

in the future the trend of the development of the sanitary ware industry with the characteristics of the revolution of science and technology go hand in hand!

5, manufacturers go green

artificial intelligence will effectively and liberation of the workers' hands, the popularity of intelligent robot and the use of large area innovation sanitary ware factory production mode, reduce the production cost. And clean energy will be the sanitary ware industry to 'environmental protection' is a powerful tool to another.

6, wei yu product environmental protection, increase the

wei yu product of environmental factors may be embodied in: 'green production', 'green material' and 'green design concept', 'green effect', etc. , in the future, people are increasingly pay attention to the ecological and sustainable, green, healthy 'green' 'energy saving' is bound to become a bathroom industry big IP, the popularity of environmental protection product that defend bath will become an ecological phenomenon.

7, wei yu brand of environmental protection industry

the birth of the brand on the product, and beyond the product itself, a second line throughout the domestic and foreign well-known sanitary ware brand, has its own focus, but in the environmental protection of the cultivated is not obvious.

and ecological environmental protection product that defend bath, would lead to the birth of environmental sanitary ware brand, in response to national policy, keep up with the demand of the social trends, joint environmental sanitary ware brand, will become a dark horse industry, emerging, become leading sanitary ware industry 'top players' in the future.

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