How many years of experience does Appollo have in producing air jet tubs ?
Appollo(China) Co., Ltd has remained concentrated on air jet tubs business for several years. The employees are skilled and well experienced. They are always well prepared to give support. As a consequence of the trusted partners in addition to the loyal employees, we have developed a business anticipated to become known to the entire world.

Appollo is an integrated professional manufacturer to design, produce, and sell intelligent toilet seat since its inception. We always introduce new technology and improve ourselves. The steam cabinet is one of the main products of Appollo. This product absorbs moisture and sweats, and has a very high level of softness. It is also hypoallergenic and pesticide-free. It is developed based on market trends. The product covers a wide range of application areas. There is no burr at each corner of the product, ensuring maximum safety.

We strive hard to improve our company's reputation so as to successfully go global. We will market our products to different populations from various backgrounds.

Appollo is an integrated professional manufacturer to design, produce, and sell intelligent toilet seat since its inception. We always introduce new technology and improve ourselves. The steam cabinet is one of the main products of Appollo. This product absorbs moisture and sweats, and has a very high level of softness. It is also hypoallergenic and pesticide-free. It is developed based on market trends. The product covers a wide range of application areas. There is no burr at each corner of the product, ensuring maximum safety.

We strive hard to improve our company's reputation so as to successfully go global. We will market our products to different populations from various backgrounds.
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