
How to place an order on custom bathtub?
To purchase custom bathtub from Appollo(China) Co., Ltd, customers can place an order through our order placing system. It is featured by quick response, no delay operation, and high automation. We develop a system based on our years of experience partnering with the software company. Customers can place an order by filling a form which includes the purchase quantity, delivery methods, expected arrival time and personal information. We will ensure the confidentiality of the information and timely arrange the manufacturing of the product.
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Appollo is distinguished from other competitors. We are notable for a strong capability in the developing and manufacturing of washing machine floor drain. We will show you the ceramic toilet series that is most popular with customers. The quality of Appollo bath smart toilet is guaranteed. It has to undergo several ASTM inspection tests like Impact Test during the manufacturing process. Only those survived will be shipped. The product won't get moldy very easily. Appollo is able to complete all production tasks in a quick and perfect way. The product is good in surface abrasion resistance and alkali resistance.
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Our goal is to significantly increase customer satisfaction. We'd like to listen carefully to every customer's complaints, acknowledge the problem, and remedy the situation as best as we can.

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