
Send person rose hand there are lingering fragrance massage bath crock nursing youdao

by:Appollo bath     2020-09-09
Water do not forget to dig Wells, knife don't miss your job. Enjoying the comfortable bath at the same time, the preparation is necessary, after finishing also nots allow to ignore. In more and more people pay attention to the quality of life at the same time, maintain a high quality life is one big key. Appollo specially to bring us massage bath crock cleaning and maintenance of small coup, long-term to maintain a high-profile pretend bility so simple! 1, the surface if bath crock has scratches, burnish with 2000 waterproof abrasive paper, toothpaste on besmear again, with a soft cloth polishing can be bright and clean like new. 2, the scale can be used on the surface of the bath containing light acidic detergent, such as lemon juice, vinegar with soft cloth to wipe after slight fever. 3 clean, hydraulic friction device when available 40 degrees Celsius hot water filled with bath, per liter 2 g dose to join cleaner, start the hydraulic massage for about 5 minutes, stop the pump drainage, and then fill it up with cold water, start the hydraulic massage for 3 minutes, stop the pump drainage and clean bath crock. 4, cylinder block surface dirt, can use wet towel to wipe, this process can be repeated three times, can be bright and clean like new. 5, do not use rough surface cleaning utensils, surface cleaners clean cylinder containing chemical solvent, or particles. 6, do not use hard objects, blade rap score bathtub surface, also should not let cigarette or higher than 70 perturbation system of heat the bath surface contact. 7, the bath after using, should be no water and power off. 8, backwater device and the nozzle, such as a hair debris jam, unscrewed the cleaning. 9, plating, chrome plating, often do not need to wipe. Want to learn more about Appollo contents that defend bath, open the Appollo's official website
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Advanced technology and manufacturing equipment has enhanced the core quality of massage tub.
Through our distribution and marketing competencies, Appollo(China) Co., Ltd provides creative, customized, solutions for our customers. As a result, we achieve superior profit growth as the massage tub company of choice.
Appollo(China) Co., Ltd manufactures massage tub with innovative facilities and professional operation.
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