
Use opportunely materials to create the best - shower room

by:Appollo bath     2021-02-11
Belong to a separate shower room shower cubicle, due to the increasing demand for sanitary facilities, modern household so many families want to be an independent space that wash bath, but because of the bathroom space is limited, can only put bath set and sanitary ware in one room. Therefore shower room makes full use of indoor one horn, the space that wash bath with fence isolated, became the people to want an independent space that wash bath, under China's top ten brand shower room - — Introduce you to everybody. Main material for toughened glass shower room normal thickness is 6 - tempered glass It is advisable to 10 mm, and there are 3 c logo on the glass, the 3 c authentication marks tempered into the glass, prevent to be printed or pasted 3 c logo muddle through, or otherwise, use the common glass is too thin or poor quality of toughened glass will be easy to blow itself up. The skeleton of shower room is a must to use aluminium alloy, surface coating processing, can not rot, not rust. It is not easy to in more than 5 mm thickness deformation. Or too thin, will be easy to deformation caused an explosion of the glass. Ball bearing must also be flexible, convenient to make the door closed. Frame combination to use stainless steel screws, glass and glass, glass should be link with metope sealing strip, otherwise it is difficult to block water. High quality of the sealing strip of shower room should not be a breakpoint in the hinge, door sealing strip between should have magnetic, water retaining performance will be better. Shower room is chassis zoning cylinder basin of high and low two kinds: with a cylinder is can take a man, so is especially suitable for families with old person or child, but the drawback is that it is difficult to clean. Low basin is relatively simple, and the price is cheap. The open means of shower room has two kinds of the orbit of the sliding door is very easy to fall into fouling and small hard objects, is not easy to clean, so easy to cause damage, more convenient use between the door and not easy to damage.
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