19 Huangqishan Rd, Luokan, Huangpu Qu, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
What's Appollo working time?
The working hour of Appollo(China) Co., Ltd is the same as other companies in China. Our employees normally work 40 hours per week, and their rights are fully guaranteed under the labour contract. However, in order to maximize customer benefit, our service personnel is always stand-by to answer customers' questions and help tackle their problems. It is mainly due to we set up a shift working system which ensures enough staff is allocated to finish tasks and answer phone calls. So customers don't need to worry about the after-sales services.

As a rapidly growing manufacturer specializing in outdoor steam sauna, Appollo is now serving many countries and region worldwide with increasing market share. The bathroom furniture is one of the main products of Appollo. Offered Appollo washing machine floor drain is manufactured in complete compliance with the industry standards. Being difficult to absorb dirt, the product is easy to clean and very hygienic. It can suck up sweat and other types of moisture, instead of absorbing it. On sweaty nights, no matter how wet it gets, it dries out very quickly. Treated by multiple processes, its surface is smooth and looks attractive.

We constantly improve ourselves to build partnerships with our clients. We enable them to focus on their core business, whilst we manage our products and services efficiently and cost-effectively.

As a rapidly growing manufacturer specializing in outdoor steam sauna, Appollo is now serving many countries and region worldwide with increasing market share. The bathroom furniture is one of the main products of Appollo. Offered Appollo washing machine floor drain is manufactured in complete compliance with the industry standards. Being difficult to absorb dirt, the product is easy to clean and very hygienic. It can suck up sweat and other types of moisture, instead of absorbing it. On sweaty nights, no matter how wet it gets, it dries out very quickly. Treated by multiple processes, its surface is smooth and looks attractive.

We constantly improve ourselves to build partnerships with our clients. We enable them to focus on their core business, whilst we manage our products and services efficiently and cost-effectively.
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