
Bridal chamber decorates installation acceptance criteria - shower room between wei yu

by:Appollo bath     2021-02-04
If you have installed shower room? You can ensure installation shower house if you have any questions, we don't have the problem how to ensure that installation shower room, according to the current many installation shower house, not doing a very good job of acceptance, thought installation shower room, there is no problem, in order to ensure that your family safe, in order to ensure that there is no error in the process of installation, consumers are recommended to install shower house need to do a good job of acceptance, but a lot of consumer acceptance standard not clear shower room, now by simple about shower room manufacturer. Check size: check the measurements and if there are errors between the actual product size. Check the level: error to control within 2 mm / 1000 mm. Check the vertical: shower room on both sides of the vertex and the lower level to control error in less than 10 mm. Check the silica gel, silica gel should be thin, uniform, and beautiful. Check off: magnetic door suction clearance to fit, to be flexible for opening and closing, opening and closing force should be 15 Newton between 40. Check the hinge, hinge at the time of opening and closing should be smooth, no noise.
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