
Defend bath maintenance tips: simple a few action easily calm

by:Appollo bath     2020-08-09

1, ceramic tile, the wall of the anti-seepage mouldproof measures between sanitary ware is multi-purpose ceramic tile is paved, to maintain its clean and bright, can use muti_function decontamination creams clean. As for the ceramic tile aperture, can dip in with tooth brush first a few decontamination creams after descaling, with hair brush a waterproof agent in aperture place again can. Can prevent ooze not only so, still can prevent mould to grow.

 2, bibcock perfect unmounted faucet often stick to a variety of bath dew, shampoo, detergent, etc. , these catharsis things will make bibcock of chrome plated surface without burnish. You can take a neutral detergent spray on the soft continous cloth and wipe gently tap, once a week. Do not use acid or the cleaner that has abrade effect, steel wire brush to & other; Torture & throughout; The faucet. 

 3, build sweet atmosphere quietly elegant air freshener breed on the market, you can choose according to his be fond of. Just think, when the guest use toilet facilities in the sweet atmosphere of quietly elegant, ear came leisurely music at the same time, the mood is how comfortable. In addition, purify the air between sanitary ware the simplest method is: will a balsamic vinegar or a cool and open cover in the room that defend bath, the smell will disappear naturally. 

 4, to make toilet whitening mask first put the right amount of water in the toilet, and wash toilet brush again, after about 5 - add 10 ml of cleaner or acid salt, evenly coated with the brush scrub, such as dirt, can undertake after soaking scrub, pour a little cleaner to clean, then clean with water. 

 5, coincidence method will wipe clean the mirror glass and Windows because long-term close contact with the water on watermarking, become blurred. Can use spray glass cleaner on the whole piece of glass blew a big X and then fold twist dry dishcloth, wipe down a direction, wait until the glass works seven minutes, reoccupy does cloth to wipe it again. Still can use old newspapers, paper printing ink can make glass shining first, also can wipe away the stubborn dirt. 

 6, ceramic if brightness is new clean who still have a kind of convenient and the method of environmental protection, is to use white vinegar and lemon peel. To clean surface dirt scrub clean, then dip in with soft cloth on a little white vinegar is wiped clean the surface or wipe with lemon peel, just a moment, sanitary ware can if brightness is new, will send out a faint scent. Want to learn more about Appollo contents that defend bath, open the Appollo wei yu's official website
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