
How to choose and buy shower strip? -

by:Appollo bath     2021-04-28
Look at the joint of shower room accessories and wall, in the joint of the door and door, hinge, shower room accessories and weather bar connection, strip and sealing strip, whether back to sink within the bath room closely. The pulley material and wheel seat sealing ( It is best to 304 stainless steel and high-end synthetic materials) , the pulley with aluminum and orbital ( Gap best dot, after a long time after that is easy to fall off) , see the wall materials and the wall of adjustment function, basically be to see whether can be adjusted ( In order to avoid uneven lead to metope installed glass distortion, glass explosive) 。 1: check if there is a patent certificate, technical support, the brand strength. 2: can query the brand's official website, understand their products carefully, and confirm the certificate data. 3: attention to the quality of the shower room accessories strip products, detailed understanding of glass, hardware accessories, bottom basin, quality of strip, pulley, etc. 4: first of all, you can view this shower room strip accessories brand have national certification, the product is through the national standard, to check the 3 c certification. 5: to understand the brand's reputation, to get the right product for the consumer, its reputation in the market should be very good, also has high recognition and praise. 6: to understand the shower room accessories strip brand specific site, as well as after-sales service telephone, because the shower room strip parts are assembled products, the need to install the technical support, if the product is in use after problems, needs the guarantee of after-sales service.
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